The Occucare Team

Home Corporate Leadership

Corporate Leadership

Meet our team. We’re problem solvers. Creative innovators. Connected networkers. In a constantly changing industry, our knowledge and depth of experience is our greatest strength.

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Caylie Sampson is the General Manager of Medical Direction.

Caylie Sampson

General Manager of Medical Direction

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President, Daniel Foisie grew up in Lawton Oklahoma and moved to Houston at the age of 17. With (30) plus years

Daniel Foisie

OHI Board of Directors


President, CEO

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Danna Shaw has worked for Occucare International for over 18 years.

Danna Shaw

HR Manager

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Dr. George Brown is a dedicated Occupational Medical Doctor with a passion for promoting workplace health and safety.

Dr. George Brown, MD


Medical Director


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Dr. Ricky McShane has been practicing occupational medicine for over 20 years.

Dr. Ricky McShane, D.O.

Medical Director


OHI Board of Directors


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Jamie Buchanan

Jamie Buchanan

Operations Manager

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Kim Arellano joined Occucare International’s team in 2004 as the Mobile Operations Director.

Kim Arellano

Mobile Operations Manager

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Perry joined Occucare International in 2008 and for the past 10 years has served as Director of Medical Operations and Injury Management to one of the world’s largest defense contractors for both US and overseas operations. As Director, he leads all aspects of medical operations, with special attention to Injury Management, Fitness for Duty, Return to Work Programs and Workers Compensation claims management.

Perry W. Turner

Director of Medical Operations & Injury Management